Note: By the time you read this apex will probably have made a binary 
You should have noticed that there are a few ways to get information on commands in unix and in the finder.
1) Mac Help Center
2) Html documents
-a tip here is to go to the directory you want, type pwd, copy the output path and paste that into your browser
3) man <command>
-man -w <command> will show you the location of the manual you are loading.
-man man is worth a read
-you can read nonpathed man files like this
nroff -man <dir>/<filename> | less
4) <command> --help
-this sometimes gives you a help screen
5)<command> this is last resort because sometimes you run a command this way instead of getting "usuage"
But I can't read the documentation for <command>
There are 2 file formats that are not native to the readers in mac os x
6) POD (plain old documentation) these files are converted to man files when you install the with make. However, should you wish to read them you can issue the command
pod2man <filename.pod> | nroff -man | <pager>
Where pager is something like more
7) What's this info stuff and why can't I see the man pages for this new command ex: tar that I just installed.
You may see a directory called info in your directory structure. This contains files readable with texinfo (TeX files).
You can find the webpage for it here
As I recall this was prettymuch a straightforward install
*starts apex countdown 11:21:23 PM PST
*stops ob1 timer at 1:42:01 AM PST might have been earlier than that
[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: jasont ]
[ August 16, 2001: Message edited by: jasont ]