Topic: extremely stupid question, but i need help please!!
Junior Member
Member # 174
posted October 19, 2001 01:11 PM
"Be sure you are already in /etc/sudoers via visudo"sorry, i have no idea how to do that. i went into /etc/ and found sudoers. then i tried "visudo sudoers -s" and it just gives me usage: visudo [-s] [-v] i just want to make sure i don't screw up my computer. i ran the package removal command up to the point of me entering my password, but i wanted to make sure i was doing it right cuz i didn't understand the visudo thing. /Applications/Pkg-Remove-0.3/pkg-remove.command; exit [localhost:~] jake% /Applications/Pkg-Remove-0.3/pkg-remove.command; exit what exactly does this pkg-remove do? what files does it remove? i also tried the rm -rf and it still give me a permission denied. sorry! i do appreciate your patience!!
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Member # 1
posted October 19, 2001 06:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by graffxguy: "Be sure you are already in /etc/sudoers via visudo"sorry, i have no idea how to do that. i went into /etc/ and found sudoers. then i tried "visudo sudoers -s" and it just gives me usage: visudo [-s] [-v]
You just type: visudo (I don't believe this is necessary anyhow) quote:
i just want to make sure i don't screw up my computer. i ran the package removal command up to the point of me entering my password, but i wanted to make sure i was doing it right cuz i didn't understand the visudo thing. /Applications/Pkg-Remove-0.3/pkg-remove.command; exit [localhost:~] jake% /Applications/Pkg-Remove-0.3/pkg-remove.command; exitwhat exactly does this pkg-remove do? what files does it remove?
If you run pkg-remove in verbose and test mode it will show you all the files it *would* remove if you werent in test mode. quote:
i also tried the rm -rf and it still give me a permission denied. sorry! i do appreciate your patience!![/b]
You must be root when you use the rm command as the fiels are owned by root. ls -l <files> will tell you who owns the file and what the permissions are. has a good unix tutorial for beginners . Good luck  [ October 19, 2001: Message edited by: apex ]
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