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Games3Oct 22
Libraries23Apr 10
Miscellaneous20Mar 05
Multimedia9Oct 22
Networking46Apr 01
Programming11Mar 05
Streaming4Oct 22
System2Mar 05
Terms and X118Oct 22
Text Editors7Mar 05
Web and HTML9Mar 05

Web and HTML

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WebMin 1.000-10.2
Info: Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix.
Size: 4600kDownloads: 2122
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.webmin.com/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
PHP 4.3.2
Info: This HTML-embedded scripting language lets web developers write dynamically generated pages quickly.
Size: 4400kDownloads: 2434
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.php.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
webalizer 2.01-06
Info: Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program.
Size: 100kDownloads: 5768
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.webalizer.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
MySQL-deps 3.23.42
Info: Required libraries for MySQL.
Size: 24kDownloads: 2511
Added By: apexHomepage: Required libraries for MySQL.
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
MySQL 3.23.42
Info: Database server.
Size: 5400kDownloads: 2782
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.mysql.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
cronolog 1.6.1
Info: Log rotation tool for Apache.
Size: 44kDownloads: 2321
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ford-mason.co.uk/resources/cronolog/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Apache-deps 1.3.20
Info: Required libraries for apache.
Size: 2764kDownloads: 2317
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Apache 1.3.20
Info: Web Server.
Size: 1148kDownloads: 2886
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.apache.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
htdig 3.2.0b1
Info: WWW search engine.
Size: 4460kDownloads: 2595
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://www.htdig.org/
Date: Jun 28, 2001Requires: None.

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