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NcFTP 3.1.7
Info: Now natively supports Mac OS X.
Size: 530kDownloads: 20878
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ncftp.com/
Date: Apr 01, 2004Requires: None.
wu-ftpd 2.6.2
Info: FTP Server.
Size: 168kDownloads: 4782
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.wu-ftpd.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
ntop 2.2
Info: Real-time network bandwidth monitor with web based interface.
Size: 2500kDownloads: 4917
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ntop.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Pine-Pico 4.5.8
Info: Pine is the University of Washington’s Program for Internet News and Email.
Size: 7058kDownloads: 3878
Added By: apexHomepage: http://washington.edu/pine/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Info: Network traffic analyzer. Displays simple graphs and all kinds of network information via the built-in web server. (REQUIRES: Mac OS 10.2)
Size: 247kDownloads: 7815
Added By: apexHomepage: http://members.optushome.com.au/emikulic/net/darkstat/
Date: Sep 08, 2002Requires: None.
curl 7.9.3
Info: Curl is a tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, HTTP, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, and FILE.
Size: 636kDownloads: 7471
Added By: apexHomepage: http://curl.haxx.se/
Date: Jan 31, 2002Requires: None.
wget 1.8.1
Info: Web retrieval tool. Now has a progress bar, bandwidth throttling and more.
Size: 428kDownloads: 21269
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html
Date: Jan 03, 2002Requires: None.
Iroffer 1.2b13
Info: IRC offer bot.
Size: 160kDownloads: 3516
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.iroffer.org/
Date: Dec 28, 2001Requires: None.
OpenSSH 3.0.1
Info: SSH protocol suite of network connectivity tools.
Size: 1236kDownloads: 4636
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.openssh.com/
Date: Nov 25, 2001Requires: None.
Links 0.96
Info: Alternative to lynx, handles frames, looks pretty.
Size: 540kDownloads: 17474
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/projects/links/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
yafc 0.7.2
Info: Yet Another FTP Client.
Size: 260kDownloads: 3207
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
xprobe 0.0.1p1
Info: Remote OS fingerprinter.
Size: 44kDownloads: 3745
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.sys-security.com/html/projects/X.html
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
XChat 1.6.4
Info: X11 IRC Chat client.
Size: 1080kDownloads: 4507
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.xchat.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: glib 1.2.10, GTK 1.2.10
webalizer 2.01-06
Info: Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program.
Size: 100kDownloads: 1385
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.webalizer.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
vnc 3.3.3r2
Info: Server and Client providing graphical connections to remote computers.
Size: 584kDownloads: 5807
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
trn 4.0-test76
Info: News Reader.
Size: 340kDownloads: 4060
Added By: apexHomepage: http://trn.sourceforge.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
trafshow 3.1
Info: Network traffic monitor.
Size: 32kDownloads: 7101
Added By: ob1Homepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
strobe 1.03
Info: Port scanner.
Size: 44kDownloads: 5341
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
ssh 2.0.13
Info: Provides secure connections to remote machines.
Size: 1440kDownloads: 3386
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ssh.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
nmap 2.53
Info: A network exploration tool and security/port scanner.
Size: 344kDownloads: 7618
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.nmap.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
OpenNap 0.41
Info: Napster server.
Size: 212kDownloads: 3658
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://www.napigator.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
netcat 1.10
Info: Utility to read and write data across network connections.
Size: 44kDownloads: 5595
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
ncftpd 2.7.0
Info: FTP Server.
Size: 352kDownloads: 3532
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ncftp.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
mutt 1.2.5
Info: Small and powerful text-based MIME mail client. Now has IMAP and SSL support
Size: 1368kDownloads: 3744
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.mutt.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
lynx 2.8.4 rel 1
Info: Lynx is a text browser for the World Wide Web. Updated version fixes terminal bugs.
Size: 1304kDownloads: 7102
Added By: apexHomepage: http://lynx.browser.org
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: gettext 0.10.39, libiconv 2.0.4, ncurses 5.2
gnut 0.4.25
Info: Gnutella client.
Size: 24kDownloads: 3394
Added By: ob1Homepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
gaim 0.44
Info: GTK+ AIM Client. Now supports ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, IRC, Napster, Jabber and Zephyr protocols.
Size: 1140kDownloads: 4336
Added By: apexHomepage: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: eSound 0.2.22, glib 1.2.10, GTK 1.2.10, libiconv 2.0.4
ezbounce 0.99.11
Info: IRC client proxy server.
Size: 136kDownloads: 2987
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
epic 4-1.0.1
Info: Ircii based IRC client.
Size: 556kDownloads: 4188
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
ettercap 0.6.0
Info: Multipurpose Switched LAN Sniffer.
Size: 276kDownloads: 15525
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ettercap.sourceforge.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Cyrus IMAP Server 2.0.16
Info: IMAP Mail Server.
Size: 6100kDownloads: 3872
Added By: apexHomepage: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/imapd/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
caim 0.03
Info: Console AOL Instant Messenger.
Size: 88kDownloads: 3621
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.freshmeat.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
blackened 1.7.1
Info: Command line IRC client.
Size: 584kDownloads: 3506
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.blackened.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
bind 9.1.3
Info: Domain Name Server.
Size: 17196kDownloads: 2946
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.isc.org/products/BIND/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
BitchX 1.0c18
Info: Command line IRC client.
Size: 1212kDownloads: 8569
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.bitchx.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: ncurses 5.2
OpenSSL 0.9.5a
Info: Secure Socket Layer.
Size: 1052kDownloads: 3529
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.openssl.org/
Date: Aug 16, 2001Requires: None.
cURL 7.8
Info: Tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, Gopher, Telnet, DICT, FILE and LDAP.
Size: 524kDownloads: 4031
Added By: apexHomepage: http://curl.haxx.se/
Date: Aug 15, 2001Requires: None.
fetchmail 5.8.11
Info: Remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility.
Size: 1228kDownloads: 3249
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/fetchmail/index.html
Date: Jul 07, 2001Requires: None.
bind 8.2.4
Info: Domain Name Server.
Size: 5200kDownloads: 2846
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.isc.org/products/BIND/
Date: Jul 06, 2001Requires: None.
proftpd 1.2.2rc3
Info: Popular FTP server.
Size: 1000kDownloads: 5021
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jul 05, 2001Requires: None.
ircnn 1.5.1
Info: NewNet IRC server.
Size: 24kDownloads: 108
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.newnet.net/
Date: Jun 26, 2001Requires: None.
Nap 1.4.4-ps9
Info: Napster client.
Size: 248kDownloads: 3076
Added By: ob1Homepage:
Date: Jun 26, 2001Requires: None.
ipopd 4.33
Info: POP3 and POP2 mail server.
Size: 1036kDownloads: 3608
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.washington.edu/pine/
Date: Jun 25, 2001Requires: None.
imapd 4.33
Info: IMAP mail server.
Size: 556kDownloads: 3280
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.washington.edu/pine/
Date: Jun 25, 2001Requires: None.
eggdrop 1.4.5
Info: The latest stable version of the famous IRC robot. TCL included.
Size: 964kDownloads: 3850
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.eggdrops.net/
Date: Jun 24, 2001Requires: None.
mrtg 2.8.12
Info: Multi Router Traffic Graph.
Size: 556kDownloads: 4149
Added By: apexHomepage: http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/
Date: Mar 20, 2000Requires: None.

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