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Perl 5.8.0
Info: The latest version of the popular scripting language.
Size: 10000kDownloads: 3431
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.perl.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Tcl/Tk Aqua 8.4.5
Info: Binary distribution of the Mac OS X native port of the Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit; bundled with fifty popular extensions.
Size: 1820kDownloads: 1141
Added By: apexHomepage: http://tcltkaqua.sourceforge.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
m4 1.4
Info: Unix macro processor.
Size: 144kDownloads: 2395
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
gawk 3.1.0
Info: gawk is a simple programming language useful in manipulating large amounts of textual data.
Size: 1040kDownloads: 2433
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/manual/gawk/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
S-lang 1.4.4
Info: S-Lang is an interpreted language that may be embedded into an application.
Size: 936kDownloads: 2224
Added By: apexHomepage: http://space.mit.edu/~davis/slang/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Berkeley DB 3.2
Info: Embedded database system.
Size: 2680kDownloads: 2292
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.sleepycat.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
random 0.75
Info: Pseudo random number generator.
Size: 24kDownloads: 2274
Added By: ob1Homepage:
Date: Jun 28, 2001Requires: None.
Regina 2.2
Info: Rexx Interpreter.
Size: 1404kDownloads: 2144
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://www.lightlink.com/hessling/Regina/
Date: Jun 27, 2001Requires: None.
tcl 8.1.1
Info: Tool Command Language.
Size: 3316kDownloads: 2491
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.scriptics.com/
Date: Jun 24, 2001Requires: None.
automake 1.4
Info: Automatically generates GNU Makefile.in files.
Size: 412kDownloads: 2986
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Feb 29, 2000Requires: None.
autoconf 2.13
Info: M4 macros that produce shell scripts to configure source code for compiling.
Size: 536kDownloads: 2656
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Feb 29, 2000Requires: None.

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