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Games3Oct 22
Libraries23Apr 10
Miscellaneous20Mar 05
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Networking46Apr 01
Programming11Mar 05
Streaming4Oct 22
System2Mar 05
Terms and X118Oct 22
Text Editors7Mar 05
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Recent Additions
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NcFTP 3.1.7
Info: Now natively supports Mac OS X.
Size:530kDownloads: 20878
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ncftp.com/
Date: Apr 01, 2004Requires: None.
Bochs 2.0.2
Info: x86 Emulator. Run other operating systems like DOS, Windows, Redhat etc. You must download an image file for this to work.
Size:1600kDownloads: 7111
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
wu-ftpd 2.6.2
Info: FTP Server.
Size:168kDownloads: 4782
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.wu-ftpd.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Perl 5.8.0
Info: The latest version of the popular scripting language.
Size:10000kDownloads: 3431
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.perl.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
XEmacs 21.5-b9-10.2
Info: XEmacs is a highly customizable open source text editor and application development system.
Size:10800kDownloads: 5614
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.xemacs.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
WebMin 1.000-10.2
Info: Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix.
Size:4600kDownloads: 2122
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.webmin.com/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
ntop 2.2
Info: Real-time network bandwidth monitor with web based interface.
Size:2500kDownloads: 4917
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ntop.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
PHP 4.3.2
Info: This HTML-embedded scripting language lets web developers write dynamically generated pages quickly.
Size:4400kDownloads: 2434
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.php.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Pine-Pico 4.5.8
Info: Pine is the University of Washington’s Program for Internet News and Email.
Size:7058kDownloads: 3878
Added By: apexHomepage: http://washington.edu/pine/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Gimp Print 4.2.5
Info: High quality drivers for Canon, Epson, Lexmark, and PCL printers for use with Ghostscript, CUPS, Foomatic, and the Gimp.
Size:3800kDownloads: 2094
Added By: apexHomepage: http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Anacron 2.3pl2
Info: Lets your Mac run the maintenance tasks it will have missed if it is off or asleep.
Size:107kDownloads: 1610
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.alastairs-place.net/anacron.html
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Tcl/Tk Aqua 8.4.5
Info: Binary distribution of the Mac OS X native port of the Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit; bundled with fifty popular extensions.
Size:1820kDownloads: 1141
Added By: apexHomepage: http://tcltkaqua.sourceforge.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
mutella 0.4.3
Info: Gnutella client with intuitive and easy to use CLI & Web interfaces.
Size:1870kDownloads: 3329
Added By: apexHomepage: http://mutella.sourceforge.net/
Date: Jun 01, 2003Requires: None.
pico 4.2
Info: A much newer version of the user-friendly text editor that ships with OSX. (REQUIRES Mac OS 10.2)
Size:640kDownloads: 12173
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.washington.edu/pine/
Date: Sep 09, 2002Requires: None.
Info: Network traffic analyzer. Displays simple graphs and all kinds of network information via the built-in web server. (REQUIRES: Mac OS 10.2)
Size:247kDownloads: 7815
Added By: apexHomepage: http://members.optushome.com.au/emikulic/net/darkstat/
Date: Sep 08, 2002Requires: None.
Info: rdesktop is an open source client for Windows NT Terminal Server and Windows 2000 Terminal Services, capable of natively speaking Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in order to present the user's NT desktop. Requires an X Windowing system.
Size:128kDownloads: 5295
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.rdesktop.org/
Date: Apr 20, 2002Requires: None.
libpng 1.0.12 (small)
Info: This is a quick install version of libpng.
Size:292kDownloads: 4997
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Apr 10, 2002Requires: None.
curl 7.9.3
Info: Curl is a tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, HTTP, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, and FILE.
Size:636kDownloads: 7471
Added By: apexHomepage: http://curl.haxx.se/
Date: Jan 31, 2002Requires: None.
UnRTF 0.18.1
Info: GNU UnRTF is a command-line converter from RTF (Rich Text) to HTML, LaTeX and plain text.
Size:124kDownloads: 4462
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.geocities.com/tuorfa/unrtf.html
Date: Jan 09, 2002Requires: None.
wget 1.8.1
Info: Web retrieval tool. Now has a progress bar, bandwidth throttling and more.
Size:428kDownloads: 21269
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html
Date: Jan 03, 2002Requires: None.

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