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Games3Oct 22
Libraries23Apr 10
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Networking46Apr 01
Programming11Mar 05
Streaming4Oct 22
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Terms and X118Oct 22
Text Editors7Mar 05
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Recent Additions
Show last 5, 10, 20, 50,

NcFTP 3.1.7
Info: Now natively supports Mac OS X.
Size:530kDownloads: 20878
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ncftp.com/
Date: Apr 01, 2004Requires: None.
Bochs 2.0.2
Info: x86 Emulator. Run other operating systems like DOS, Windows, Redhat etc. You must download an image file for this to work.
Size:1600kDownloads: 7111
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
wu-ftpd 2.6.2
Info: FTP Server.
Size:168kDownloads: 4782
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.wu-ftpd.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Perl 5.8.0
Info: The latest version of the popular scripting language.
Size:10000kDownloads: 3431
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.perl.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
XEmacs 21.5-b9-10.2
Info: XEmacs is a highly customizable open source text editor and application development system.
Size:10800kDownloads: 5614
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.xemacs.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
WebMin 1.000-10.2
Info: Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix.
Size:4600kDownloads: 2122
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.webmin.com/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
ntop 2.2
Info: Real-time network bandwidth monitor with web based interface.
Size:2500kDownloads: 4917
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ntop.org/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
PHP 4.3.2
Info: This HTML-embedded scripting language lets web developers write dynamically generated pages quickly.
Size:4400kDownloads: 2434
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.php.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Pine-Pico 4.5.8
Info: Pine is the University of Washington’s Program for Internet News and Email.
Size:7058kDownloads: 3878
Added By: apexHomepage: http://washington.edu/pine/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Gimp Print 4.2.5
Info: High quality drivers for Canon, Epson, Lexmark, and PCL printers for use with Ghostscript, CUPS, Foomatic, and the Gimp.
Size:3800kDownloads: 2094
Added By: apexHomepage: http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Anacron 2.3pl2
Info: Lets your Mac run the maintenance tasks it will have missed if it is off or asleep.
Size:107kDownloads: 1610
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.alastairs-place.net/anacron.html
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
Tcl/Tk Aqua 8.4.5
Info: Binary distribution of the Mac OS X native port of the Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit; bundled with fifty popular extensions.
Size:1820kDownloads: 1141
Added By: apexHomepage: http://tcltkaqua.sourceforge.net/
Date: Mar 05, 2004Requires: None.
mutella 0.4.3
Info: Gnutella client with intuitive and easy to use CLI & Web interfaces.
Size:1870kDownloads: 3329
Added By: apexHomepage: http://mutella.sourceforge.net/
Date: Jun 01, 2003Requires: None.
pico 4.2
Info: A much newer version of the user-friendly text editor that ships with OSX. (REQUIRES Mac OS 10.2)
Size:640kDownloads: 12173
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.washington.edu/pine/
Date: Sep 09, 2002Requires: None.
Info: Network traffic analyzer. Displays simple graphs and all kinds of network information via the built-in web server. (REQUIRES: Mac OS 10.2)
Size:247kDownloads: 7815
Added By: apexHomepage: http://members.optushome.com.au/emikulic/net/darkstat/
Date: Sep 08, 2002Requires: None.
Info: rdesktop is an open source client for Windows NT Terminal Server and Windows 2000 Terminal Services, capable of natively speaking Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in order to present the user's NT desktop. Requires an X Windowing system.
Size:128kDownloads: 5295
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.rdesktop.org/
Date: Apr 20, 2002Requires: None.
libpng 1.0.12 (small)
Info: This is a quick install version of libpng.
Size:292kDownloads: 4997
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Apr 10, 2002Requires: None.
curl 7.9.3
Info: Curl is a tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, HTTP, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, and FILE.
Size:636kDownloads: 7471
Added By: apexHomepage: http://curl.haxx.se/
Date: Jan 31, 2002Requires: None.
UnRTF 0.18.1
Info: GNU UnRTF is a command-line converter from RTF (Rich Text) to HTML, LaTeX and plain text.
Size:124kDownloads: 4462
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.geocities.com/tuorfa/unrtf.html
Date: Jan 09, 2002Requires: None.
wget 1.8.1
Info: Web retrieval tool. Now has a progress bar, bandwidth throttling and more.
Size:428kDownloads: 21269
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html
Date: Jan 03, 2002Requires: None.
Iroffer 1.2b13
Info: IRC offer bot.
Size:160kDownloads: 3516
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.iroffer.org/
Date: Dec 28, 2001Requires: None.
OpenSSH 3.0.1
Info: SSH protocol suite of network connectivity tools.
Size:1236kDownloads: 4636
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.openssh.com/
Date: Nov 25, 2001Requires: None.
Links 0.96
Info: Alternative to lynx, handles frames, looks pretty.
Size:540kDownloads: 17474
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://freshmeat.net/projects/links/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
texinfo 4.0
Info: Reads documentation in Info format.
Size:688kDownloads: 2267
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
xprobe 0.0.1p1
Info: Remote OS fingerprinter.
Size:44kDownloads: 3745
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.sys-security.com/html/projects/X.html
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
yafc 0.7.2
Info: Yet Another FTP Client.
Size:260kDownloads: 3208
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
xplanet 0.83
Info: Renders images of the earth and other planets into the background of your X11 Window Manager.
Size:2024kDownloads: 2957
Added By: apexHomepage: http://xplanet.sourceforge.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: glib 1.2.10, GTK 1.2.10
xmms 1.2.5
Info: X Multimedia System. GUI music/mp3 player.
Size:2924kDownloads: 10827
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.xmms.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: audiofile 0.2.1, eSound 0.2.22, glib 1.2.10, GTK 1.2.10, libdl, libintl, libogg 1.0rc1, libvorbis 1.0rc1
XChat 1.6.4
Info: X11 IRC Chat client.
Size:1080kDownloads: 4507
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.xchat.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: glib 1.2.10, GTK 1.2.10
windowmaker 0.62.1
Info: Re-packaged and fixed, includes Extras.
Size:5084kDownloads: 5362
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
webalizer 2.01-06
Info: Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program.
Size:100kDownloads: 5768
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.webalizer.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
webalizer 2.01-06
Info: Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program.
Size:100kDownloads: 1385
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.webalizer.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
VIM 6.0
Info: Long-awaited release of Vi IMproved. Very powerful text editor.
Size:2284kDownloads: 4873
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.vim.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: ncurses 5.2
vnc 3.3.3r2
Info: Server and Client providing graphical connections to remote computers.
Size:584kDownloads: 5807
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
trn 4.0-test76
Info: News Reader.
Size:340kDownloads: 4060
Added By: apexHomepage: http://trn.sourceforge.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
tar 1.13
Info: Archiving Utility. This version fixes problems the version included in Mac OS X had.
Size:476kDownloads: 3090
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/tar.html
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
trafshow 3.1
Info: Network traffic monitor.
Size:32kDownloads: 7102
Added By: ob1Homepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
strobe 1.03
Info: Port scanner.
Size:44kDownloads: 5341
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
stat 2.5
Info: Shows file attributes.
Size:32kDownloads: 3322
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
ssh 2.0.13
Info: Provides secure connections to remote machines.
Size:1440kDownloads: 3386
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ssh.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
streamripper 1.0.5
Info: Saves shoutcast, icecast, live365 and similar mp3 streams to local mp3 files.
Size:132kDownloads: 7979
Added By: apexHomepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/streamripper/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
shoutcast 1-666-1
Info: Streaming MP3 server.
Size:156kDownloads: 3465
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://www.shoutcast.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
screen 3.9.9
Info: Window manager which shares one terminal between several processes, usually shells
Size:336kDownloads: 4737
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
shout 0.8.0
Info: Feeds an mp3 stream to a broadcast server such as icecast or shoutcast.
Size:64kDownloads: 3771
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
rxvt 2.6.3
Info: Much better terminal for X11.
Size:864kDownloads: 4264
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
pkg-remove 0.3
Info: Removes Apple package installations, such as the ones on this site. Now runs via a GUI.
Size:16kDownloads: 8303
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.forked.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Info: Converts Rich Text Format documents to HTML.
Size:56kDownloads: 2539
Added By: apexHomepage: http://recycle.50megs.com/rtf2htm.html
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
nethack 3.3.1
Info: Dungeon exploration game.
Size:1076kDownloads: 9348
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.nethack.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
OpenNap 0.41
Info: Napster server.
Size:212kDownloads: 3659
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://www.napigator.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
nmap 2.53
Info: A network exploration tool and security/port scanner.
Size:344kDownloads: 7618
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.nmap.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
netris 0.5
Info: Popular internet tetris game. Run it under screen for color.
Size:124kDownloads: 5902
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://www.netris.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
netcat 1.10
Info: Utility to read and write data across network connections.
Size:44kDownloads: 5595
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
jed 0.99-14
Info: Text Editor for X11 and the console.
Size:1632kDownloads: 2925
Added By: apexHomepage: http://space.mit.edu/~davis/jed/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
ncurses 5.2
Info: New curses library. Required for many apps.
Size:1208kDownloads: 21424
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
ncftpd 2.7.0
Info: FTP Server.
Size:352kDownloads: 3532
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ncftp.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
MySQL-deps 3.23.42
Info: Required libraries for MySQL.
Size:24kDownloads: 2511
Added By: apexHomepage: Required libraries for MySQL.
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
MySQL 3.23.42
Info: Database server.
Size:5400kDownloads: 2782
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.mysql.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
mutt 1.2.5
Info: Small and powerful text-based MIME mail client. Now has IMAP and SSL support
Size:1368kDownloads: 3745
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.mutt.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
mpg123 0.59r
Info: Versatile MP3 player.
Size:76kDownloads: 10390
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.mpg123.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Midnight Commander 4.5.54
Info: Combined Unix shell and text mode, Norton Commander style file manager.
Size:4372kDownloads: 9905
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnome.org/mc/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: gettext 0.10.39, libiconv 2.0.4
lynx 2.8.4 rel 1
Info: Lynx is a text browser for the World Wide Web. Updated version fixes terminal bugs.
Size:1304kDownloads: 7102
Added By: apexHomepage: http://lynx.browser.org
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: gettext 0.10.39, libiconv 2.0.4, ncurses 5.2
m4 1.4
Info: Unix macro processor.
Size:144kDownloads: 2395
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
libvorbis 1.0rc1
Info: libvorbis. Required for xmms.
Size:828kDownloads: 6462
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
libogg 1.0rc1
Info: libogg. Required for xmms.
Size:84kDownloads: 6270
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Info: Part of gettext, required by many applications.
Size:136kDownloads: 7557
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
libjpeg 6b
Info: JPEG graphics library.
Size:300kDownloads: 6914
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ijg.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Info: Part of readline.
Size:72kDownloads: 3687
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
libghttp 1.0.9
Size:104kDownloads: 3727
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
libiconv 2.0.4
Info: iconv Library. Needed by gaim and caim, perhaps others.
Size:652kDownloads: 10037
Added By: apexHomepage: http://clisp.cons.org/~haible/packages-libiconv.html
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Info: dlopen library.
Size:20kDownloads: 7188
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
bash 2.05
Info: Bourne Again Shell. Easy yet powerful unix shell.
Size:708kDownloads: 9010
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: gettext 0.10.39, libdl, libhistory, libiconv 2.0.4
lesstif 0.9.32
Info: LGPL implemention of the OSF/Motif standard GUI toolkit for X11.
Size:2800kDownloads: 3669
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
lame 3.7.0
Info: MP3 encoder.
Size:112kDownloads: 4833
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
XEmacs 21.1.12
Info: X11 Text Editor.
Size:6540kDownloads: 4522
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
joe 2.9.6
Info: Wordstar-like Text Editor.
Size:144kDownloads: 3054
Added By: apexHomepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/joe-editor/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
ispell 3.1
Info: Screen-oriented spelling checker.
Size:948kDownloads: 2834
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
nedit 5.1.1
Info: Multi-purpose text editor for the X Window System.
Size:368kDownloads: 3964
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.nedit.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
icecast 1.3.11
Info: Streaming media server based on the MP3 audio codec.
Size:308kDownloads: 5834
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.icecast.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
GTK 1.2.10
Info: Gimp Toolkit.
Size:6604kDownloads: 10205
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gtk.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
gnut 0.4.25
Info: Gnutella client.
Size:24kDownloads: 3395
Added By: ob1Homepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
gnupg 1.0.6
Info: GNU alternative to PGP.
Size:1500kDownloads: 2462
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnupg.org
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
glib 1.2.10
Info: C library of utility functions. libgmodule is in this package.
Size:612kDownloads: 9350
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gtk.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
GKrellM 1.2.1
Info: System monitor. (mostly non-function, try xmonitor.forked.net for an osx native application)
Size:1024kDownloads: 2568
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gkrellm.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: imlib 1.9.10-2
gettext 0.10.39
Info: GNU internationalization library.
Size:976kDownloads: 8164
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/gettext/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
gawk 3.1.0
Info: gawk is a simple programming language useful in manipulating large amounts of textual data.
Size:1040kDownloads: 2433
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/manual/gawk/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
gaim 0.44
Info: GTK+ AIM Client. Now supports ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, IRC, Napster, Jabber and Zephyr protocols.
Size:1140kDownloads: 4336
Added By: apexHomepage: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: eSound 0.2.22, glib 1.2.10, GTK 1.2.10, libiconv 2.0.4
freetype 1.3.1
Size:240kDownloads: 3702
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
fnlib 0.5
Size:352kDownloads: 3655
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
ezbounce 0.99.11
Info: IRC client proxy server.
Size:136kDownloads: 2987
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
ettercap 0.6.0
Info: Multipurpose Switched LAN Sniffer.
Size:276kDownloads: 15525
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ettercap.sourceforge.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
eSound 0.2.22
Info: Enlightenment Sound Daemon.
Size:244kDownloads: 6599
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
epic 4-1.0.1
Info: Ircii based IRC client.
Size:556kDownloads: 4189
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
enlightenment 0.16.5
Info: A very slick and powerful Window Manager for X.
Size:11160kDownloads: 3762
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.enlightenment.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: dlcompat 20010701, eSound 0.2.22, fnlib 0.5, freetype 1.3.1, glib 1.2.10, GTK 1.2.10, imlib 1.9.10-2, libghttp 1.0.9, libintl
dopewars 1.5.1
Info: Networkable Drug dealing game.
Size:1936kDownloads: 5265
Added By: apexHomepage: http://dopewars.sourceforge.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
dlcompat 20010701
Size:20kDownloads: 4208
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Cyrus IMAP Server 2.0.16
Info: IMAP Mail Server.
Size:6100kDownloads: 3872
Added By: apexHomepage: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/imapd/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
bzip2 1.0.1
Info: Lossless data compressor.
Size:160kDownloads: 2779
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.freshmeat.net/projects/bzip2/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
colored ls
Info: A colorized version of ls. Usage: ls --color
Size:116kDownloads: 5232
Added By: ob1Homepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
caim 0.03
Info: Console AOL Instant Messenger.
Size:88kDownloads: 3622
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.freshmeat.net/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
cronolog 1.6.1
Info: Log rotation tool for Apache.
Size:44kDownloads: 2321
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.ford-mason.co.uk/resources/cronolog/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
bind 9.1.3
Info: Domain Name Server.
Size:17196kDownloads: 2946
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.isc.org/products/BIND/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
blackened 1.7.1
Info: Command line IRC client.
Size:584kDownloads: 3506
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.blackened.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
audiofile 0.2.1
Info: audiofile. Required for xmms.
Size:692kDownloads: 1329
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Apache-deps 1.3.20
Info: Required libraries for apache.
Size:2764kDownloads: 2317
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
audiofile 0.2.1
Info: audiofile. Required for xmms.
Size:692kDownloads: 6345
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Apache 1.3.20
Info: Web Server.
Size:1148kDownloads: 2886
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.apache.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
S-lang 1.4.4
Info: S-Lang is an interpreted language that may be embedded into an application.
Size:936kDownloads: 2224
Added By: apexHomepage: http://space.mit.edu/~davis/slang/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Image Magick 5.4.0
Info: Display and interactive manipulation of images when used with the X Win dow System. Also has console based functions.
Size:13856kDownloads: 3580
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
GIMP 1.2.1 Plugins
Info: Default Plugins for GIMP.
Size:37384kDownloads: 4836
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
GIMP 1.2.1
Info: GNU Image Manipulation Program
Size:10168kDownloads: 7399
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gimp.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
Eterm 0.8.10
Info: Very configurable, color terminal emulator intended as a replacement for xterm.
Size:1372kDownloads: 4457
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.eterm.org/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: imlib 1.9.10-2
BitchX 1.0c18
Info: Command line IRC client.
Size:1212kDownloads: 8570
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.bitchx.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: ncurses 5.2
Berkeley DB 3.2
Info: Embedded database system.
Size:2680kDownloads: 2292
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.sleepycat.com/
Date: Oct 22, 2001Requires: None.
OpenSSL 0.9.5a
Info: Secure Socket Layer.
Size:1052kDownloads: 3529
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.openssl.org/
Date: Aug 16, 2001Requires: None.
cURL 7.8
Info: Tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, Gopher, Telnet, DICT, FILE and LDAP.
Size:524kDownloads: 4031
Added By: apexHomepage: http://curl.haxx.se/
Date: Aug 15, 2001Requires: None.
fetchmail 5.8.11
Info: Remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility.
Size:1228kDownloads: 3249
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/fetchmail/index.html
Date: Jul 07, 2001Requires: None.
bind 8.2.4
Info: Domain Name Server.
Size:5200kDownloads: 2846
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.isc.org/products/BIND/
Date: Jul 06, 2001Requires: None.
bladeenc 0.94.2
Info: Fast mp3 encoder.
Size:104kDownloads: 2839
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jul 06, 2001Requires: None.
imlib 1.9.10-2
Info: Replacement library for libraries like libXpm. Now includes libgdk_imlib.dylib
Size:1032kDownloads: 6105
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.gnome.org/
Date: Jul 06, 2001Requires: None.
proftpd 1.2.2rc3
Info: Popular FTP server.
Size:1000kDownloads: 5021
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jul 05, 2001Requires: None.
Info: Recursive grep.
Size:120kDownloads: 2474
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jul 01, 2001Requires: None.
xv 3.10
Info: Graphics viewing and manipulation.
Size:3704kDownloads: 3540
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jul 01, 2001Requires: None.
Fvwm 1.2.4
Info: X Window Manager. Add "/usr/local/X11/bin/fvwm" to ~/.xinitrc to use in X11.
Size:4200kDownloads: 2862
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jul 01, 2001Requires: None.
XFree86 4.1
Info: X11 Server.
Size:29500kDownloads: 5852
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.xfree86.org/
Date: Jul 01, 2001Requires: glib 1.2.10, GTK 1.2.10
gd 1.8.4
Info: Library used to create PNG, JPEG, or WBMP images.
Size:796kDownloads: 3804
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jun 30, 2001Requires: libjpeg 6b, libpng 1.0.12, zlib 1.1.3
zlib 1.1.3
Info: Lossless data-compression library.
Size:212kDownloads: 4845
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jun 30, 2001Requires: None.
libpng 1.0.12
Info: Collection of routines used to create and manipulate PNG format graphics files.
Size:616kDownloads: 4411
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html
Date: Jun 30, 2001Requires: zlib 1.1.3
random 0.75
Info: Pseudo random number generator.
Size:24kDownloads: 2274
Added By: ob1Homepage:
Date: Jun 28, 2001Requires: None.
htdig 3.2.0b1
Info: WWW search engine.
Size:4460kDownloads: 2595
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://www.htdig.org/
Date: Jun 28, 2001Requires: None.
Info: Enhanced Disk Usage reporter.
Size:72kDownloads: 2703
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://www.freshmeat.net/projects/fileutils
Date: Jun 27, 2001Requires: None.
Regina 2.2
Info: Rexx Interpreter.
Size:1404kDownloads: 2144
Added By: ob1Homepage: http://www.lightlink.com/hessling/Regina/
Date: Jun 27, 2001Requires: None.
ircnn 1.5.1
Info: NewNet IRC server.
Size:24kDownloads: 108
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.newnet.net/
Date: Jun 26, 2001Requires: None.
Nap 1.4.4-ps9
Info: Napster client.
Size:248kDownloads: 3076
Added By: ob1Homepage:
Date: Jun 26, 2001Requires: None.
UnRAR 2.50
Info: xtracts, views and tests the contents of an RAR archive.
Size:32kDownloads: 4982
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jun 26, 2001Requires: None.
ipopd 4.33
Info: POP3 and POP2 mail server.
Size:1036kDownloads: 3608
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.washington.edu/pine/
Date: Jun 25, 2001Requires: None.
imapd 4.33
Info: IMAP mail server.
Size:556kDownloads: 3280
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.washington.edu/pine/
Date: Jun 25, 2001Requires: None.
screen 3.7.4+ANSI
Info: Runs processes in the background, re-attachable.
Size:96kDownloads: 2618
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Jun 25, 2001Requires: None.
tcl 8.1.1
Info: Tool Command Language.
Size:3316kDownloads: 2491
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.scriptics.com/
Date: Jun 24, 2001Requires: None.
eggdrop 1.4.5
Info: The latest stable version of the famous IRC robot. TCL included.
Size:964kDownloads: 3850
Added By: apexHomepage: http://www.eggdrops.net/
Date: Jun 24, 2001Requires: None.
mrtg 2.8.12
Info: Multi Router Traffic Graph.
Size:556kDownloads: 4149
Added By: apexHomepage: http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/
Date: Mar 20, 2000Requires: None.
automake 1.4
Info: Automatically generates GNU Makefile.in files.
Size:412kDownloads: 2986
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Feb 29, 2000Requires: None.
autoconf 2.13
Info: M4 macros that produce shell scripts to configure source code for compiling.
Size:536kDownloads: 2656
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Feb 29, 2000Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.
Size:0kDownloads: 0
Added By: apexHomepage:
Date: Dec 31, 1969Requires: None.

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